The company has plants located at F.B Industrial Area in Karachi, Pakistan. The plant is Equipped with the Best of the Machineries, Sophisticated Laboratories and technical support know how available from the world leaders in the respective fields to achieve the committed quality of products services to the customers.

The plants are spacious enough to accommodate multifold expansions and additions to the production base. The manufactured products of the company have been well received and renowned in the market and have further potential for greater volumes.

The strength of the company is its well qualified and skilled manpower, an ideal combination of enthusiastic young chargers and experienced and matured decision makers.

Classic PVC is fully committed towards the production of best quality products which it fulfills because of the following distinct features:

  • Continuous Improvement in Product Quality
  • Up gradation of Manufacturing Technology and Skills
  • Conformance to Customers’ Expectations
  • Controlled Quality Management System